Saturday, February 26, 2011

President’s Day with Ms. Gorbaty’s Class at Holmes

In celebration of the recent holiday, Lauren and I coordinated a fun project with Ms. Gorbaty’s class of third and fourth graders at Holmes Elementary. We read to them from the book So You Want to be President? by Judith St. George, which gives some funny and quirky stories about some of our past presidents, along with some of their accomplishments, showing kids how they are just normal people like us. We then had them complete the sentence: “If I were President, I would…”, filling in a mini president silhouette with their answer. We glued each kid’s response onto a large piece of brown paper with a tree on it, so each silhouette was a “leaf” on the tree. The students’ answers ranged from, “I would buy me a mansion and a black mustang,” to “I would clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.” A common theme was “giving money to the poor people,” and one kid even wanted to “build a new White House”! Overall, the kids really enjoyed the project, and they were able to learn a little more about the U.S. Presidents!

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